marți, 24 iulie 2012

Nu cunosc.

Nu ma face copil,nu ma face
Nu ma face nebuna,visatoare,imatura
Eu stiu.Eu sunt.Nu ma face.Nu te juca.
Nu te uita in ochi caprui,in ai mei
Nu ma apuca de maini,ale mele
Nu saruta,varf de buze,curbat.Intens.Indraznet.
Stramb,incrucisat,timid.Nu atinge copile ce stii ca-i al tau.
Sunt exact cum ma stii.Sunt tot ce stii.
Nu ma identifica.Nu te uita.Nu privi si nu..
Nu iara,nu inc-odata.Nu din nou.
Nu asa.Si nu dezbraca.Nu.
Stii ca-s copil nebun visator imatur.
Nu stiu ce-i viata.Invata.Invata-ma.
.Invata sa iubesti necunoscutul

Ochii astia au vazut.
Mainile nu au simtit,buzele doar au pretins.Asa.Cum?
Ma prefac ca sunt asa.Nu sunt.Nu stiu.
.Nu ma face
Nu vreau.Sunt o stiutoare intr-o lume necunoscuta.

joi, 31 mai 2012

El era ea si ea era el...

Grup de Marin Sorescu

Traiau de mult timp impreuna
Si cam incepusera sa se repete:
El era ea,
Si ea era el,
Ea era ea
Si el era tot ea,
Ea era, nu era,
Si el era ele,
Sau cam asa ceva.

Dimineata mai ales,
Pana se alegeau bine,
Care cine mai este,
De unde si pana unde,
De ce asa si nu altminterea,
Trecea o groaza de timp,
Trecea timpul ca pe apa.

Voiau uneori chiar sa se sarute,
Dar isi dadeau seama la un moment dat,
Ca amandoi sunt ea,
Mai usor de repetat.

Atunci incepeau de spaima sa caste,
Un cascat de lana moale,
Care se putea si croseta
In felul urmator:
Una casca foarte atent
Si cealalta tinea ghemul.

sâmbătă, 10 martie 2012

Cand stia ce e fericirea..

Amintire,una singura intre altele serene
Atatea danseaza printre ale sale gene
Durerea ii zambeste
Adanc din spirit
Si fiecare bucata din inima ei se destrama-n
Praf cernit.

Soare,singurul care o vegheaza
Si ploaia lacrimile-i camufleaza
Ele aduc sperantei nemurirea
Inca din timpurile cand ea stia ce-i fericirea.

luni, 20 februarie 2012

The pretty and the witches

To be a witch is to love and be loved.
To be a witch is to know everything, and nothing at all.
To be a witch is to move amongst the stars while staying on earth.
To be a witch is to change the world around you, and yourself.
To be a witch is to share and give, while receiving all the while.
To be a witch is to dance and sing, and hold hands with the universe.
To be a witch is to honor the gods, and yourself.
To be a witch is to be magick, not just perform it.
To be a witch is to be honorable, or nothing at all.
To be a witch is to accept others who are not.
To be a witch is to know what you feel is right and good.
To be a witch is to harm none.
To be a witch is to know the ways of old.
To be a witch is to see beyond the barriers.
To be a witch is to follow the moon.
To be a witch is to be one with the gods.
To be a witch is to study and to learn.
To be a witch is to be the teacher and the student.
To be a witch is to acknowledge the truth.
To be a witch is to live with the earth, not just on it.
To be a witch is to be truly free!